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Matt Boll

The Seven Words That Ruined Healthcare

There’s one short statement that we hear all the time, and we’ve quickly come to see it as the seven worst words in all of healthcare:

“Because we’ve always done it that way.”

Just stop for a moment and consider: How much of your daily frustrations are tied to things that have been in place for years?

How much time do you spend working around processes that are clearly broken?

And how often do you hear “We have to do it that way because that’s the way we’ve always done it” in response to your legitimate concerns about why things don’t run as well as they should?

While this unproductive attitude applies to all types of policies and behaviors throughout healthcare, in our little corner of the industry, we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be like this. Changing time study processes for the better is ultimately not that difficult — once you get past the intransigence embedded in those awful seven words.

MyTimeStudy focuses on the best way to accomplish critical tasks right now, based on today’s needs, today’s technologies, and today’s solutions.

Because, frankly, we don’t give a hoot about how it was done before unless it was also done correctly — that is, quickly, accurately and with as little friction as possible. And we’ve yet to meet a single healthcare team that loves how their embedded time study process were done in the past.

On the other hand, our portfolio is full of users that would be happy to tell you that, yes, the grass really is greener on the other side.

By definition, it’s simply not possible to make things better by doing them the same old way. Improvement requires change, but change doesn’t have to be painful. So next time you find yourself wondering “why do we do it this way?” know that there is an easier, more accurate way to do time studies — and there’s a reason so many companies count on MyTimeStudy to get it done right.

Let us show you a better way.

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